". . .This is my body, which is given for you.  Do this in remembrance of me."

Luke 22:19

2025 First Communion Celebration

Ascension 3rd graders will be celebrating their 1st Communion

April 6th at the 10:45 am Sunday worship service.  All are welcome to join in the reception in Fellowship Hall following the service.

Jesus' introduction of the Lord's Supper is found in the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and 1 Corinthians.  Jesus took bread and wine and presented it as His body and blood to His disciples, commanding them to do this in memory of Him.   Ascension continues this sacrament in faith, trusting that our Lord comes to us, forgives our sins, renews us in faith, and leads us into new life.

What is Involved?

While the exact age can fluctuate depending on maturity and timing, we generally teach our First Communion class to students who are in 3rd or 4th grade.  When it is time for your child to partake in their first communion, they will be invited to join the class with other children their age. 

Consisting of three sessions, the Youth Director and Pastor teach the history, Lutheran understanding, and significance of Communion.  Each child will be gifted a chalice that they will paint and use during the celebration of their first communion. 

Click below to contact our Youth Director and learn more about First Communion.


Interested in Serving?

Parents are encouraged to be a part of our youth ministry and help make Ascension a great environment for kids to grow in faith and fellowship.   All youth ministry volunteers complete Safe Church training and a background check.