Ascension offers many ways to match your interests with the church's needs and enjoy meeting others while doing so!


  • Church Life - Ron Hebner

    Having fun fellowship is important at Ascension.  Consider Easter breakfast, summer cookouts, ice cream socials, chili cook-offs, Thanksgiving luncheons, and, of course, the annual church picnic and rally day.  If you find this appetizing, this may be your committee.

  • Stewardship - Larry Vangen, Dennis Martin

    Want to help others discover the unique gifts God has given them?  Helping people grow in their faith and discover how their gifts can be used in tangible and meaningful ways is an important part of this committee.  If you are good at "seeing the bigger picture" and helping others to do the same, this may be your committee.

  • Community Ministries - Kelly Sunstrom

    Match your passion, experience, and gifts with the needs of God's people. Our community ministries offer support to many local and international charities.  Click HERE to see all of Ascension's outreach opportunities and discover where God may be calling you to serve.

  • Property - Ken Palmgreen, Ken Rube, Ken Herb, Jim Sauer

    Do you enjoy working with your hands?  Why not use them to maintain and improve our church property.  We have cleanup days in the spring and fall, and agenda-based meetings to plan projects that are completed by church volunteers or professionals.  Safety is our top priority, followed by fun and fellowship. 

  • Youth and Adult Learning - Jim Sauer

    We create an environment for all ages to learn and grow in their faith journey.  Through Sunday school, Bible studies, and intergenerational fellowship activities, we're committed to ensuring our members have the support, resources, and encouragement they need.  If you have a passion for youth, adult education, or faith development, this may be the place for you!

  • Communications, Outreach & IT - Becky Meyer, John Macht

    In many ways, Ascension feels like a family, and it's our goal to invite any and all people to be a part of our family.  Implementing ever increasing technology, social media, and more traditional outreach, we strive to welcome all people and help them feel at home as soon as they walk through our doors. 

  • Worship and Music - Corrine Martin

    Music plays a special and important role in Ascension's worship.  Our choir, instrumentalists, and guest musicians blend traditional and contemporary musical styles into our liturgy, regular choir anthems, and special themed services.  If you enjoy singing or play a musical instrument, we'd love to have you join us!

  • Finance - Eric Bunnell

    Do you like working with numbers?  We help make sure bills, insurance, payroll, and payroll taxes are accurately and timely paid.  Our volunteer "counters" also properly record offerings, gifts, and deposits.  If you like working with great people and with numbers, this may be your committee.