Jesus welcomed people from all backgrounds and circumstances to walk with him. At Ascension, we follow the example of Our Savior and share the Good News of
God's love for all.
To Live Stream or watch our latest
worship service
(See Youth Page for Class Schedules)
Sharing Christ's Good News
We welcome you to join us in experiencing God's amazing Grace, Mercy, and Love.
Jesus welcomed people from all backgrounds and circumstances to walk with him. At Ascension, we follow the example of Our Savior and share the Good News of
God's love for all.
To Live Stream or watch our latest
worship service
There's a lot happening at Ascension. Learn more about our worship services, youth group, activities, and events!
We'd Love To Meet You!
Wherever you are on your faith journey, we'd love to get to know you.
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Easily and securely set up a confidential online recurring gift or make a one-time donation to Ascension Lutheran. Your donation is greatly appreciated!