"From there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find him if you search after him with all your heart and soul."

Deuteronomy 4:29

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation, or Affirmation of Baptism as it is often referred to, is the profession of faith given by a young person to the public church body.  At Ascension, it is a two year process of careful instruction including class time, service projects, and exposure to other faiths. 

During the course of Confirmation, youth will grow in knowledge and understanding, leading them into a solid foundation of their Christian faith.  Confirmation is a vital and important part of their faith formation as they begin to take steps into adulthood. 

Who attends Confirmation?

Youth typically begin confirmation in 7th grade and finish during their 8th grade year. Middle School is hard for most youth, and confirmation can be a place to express themselves in a supportive and understanding environment. 

Guided by the teaching of Pastor Ken Boehm and Youth Director Aaron Flynn, the lessons are supplemented by passionate church members who strive to help students understand this important rite by sharing their own faith journeys.  Classes are held from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. before Sunday worship service during the school year.


Interested in Serving?

You can make a difference in the lives of Ascension's students by being a part of our youth ministry.  All youth ministry volunteers complete Safe Church training and a background check.  Contact Ascension's Youth Director below.