Special Giving Funds

Ascension offers opportunities to make a scheduled or one-time financial contribution to support specific church ministries.  To give to one of the funds below, go to Online Giving and follow the One-Time or Scheduled Giving instructions.  Thank you for your support!

Ascension Assistance - Funds provided to individuals in need of short-term financial assistance based on a confidential application process and a separate committee review.

Music Fund - Contributions are used to provide additional musicians beyond the budgeted special musicians when additional opportunities arise to enhance worship.

JazzFest - Donations are used to financially supplement the annual outreach program in addition to ticket and t-shirt sales.

Lutheran World Relief - Funds provide support for the ELCA Church Mission.

Refugee Assistance - Donations are used to support the initial residency needs of legally authorized refugees.  During the past two years, seven families have been supported.

Market for Missions - Funds are provided to Simmons College to support the 2nd Chance Program for those who are incarcerated.

Staff Christmas Gifts - Contributions are applied to the annual gift to our staff personnel to show the love and appreciation of the congregation to our dedicated employees of Ascension Lutheran Church.

Kroger Community Rewards Program

Did you know you can help Ascension when you buy groceries?   The Kroger Community Rewards program is an easy way to support Ascension Lutheran Church.  Click on the link below and input Ascension's NPO Number UH457 to help our church earn donations.

Kroger Community Rewards